I’ve always been fascinated by seeing creative people work their craft. I don’t just want to see the finished product. I’d like to see the progress that got them there.
That’s why I make products like BetaList (discover startups in their early stages) and WIP (community of makers sharing their work in progress).
Over the last couple of years, the concept of “building in public” has become mainstream. People no longer wait to show off their project when it’s finished. Instead, they start sharing their progress from day one. It’s a great way to meet other makers, stay motivated, get early feedback, and build an audience.
A lot of people now build in public on Twitter. To connect, they use the hashtag #buildinpublic. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a great way to explore all these tweets and makers. Until now…
Introducing buildinpublic.com 🚀
A place to explore all the #buildinpublic tweets and see what everyone is working on.
Have a look and maybe give building in public a try yourself. Just post a tweet with the #buildinpublic hashtag and it will automatically show up on the site!
It’s also live on Product Hunt and BetaList, so if you’ve got an account there, your support would be appreciated! Looking forward to your feedback and #buildinpublic updates!
Here's where I try to convince you to subscribe to my newsletter so I become less dependent on Twitter and other media when publishing new blog posts or launching new projects.
I will email a few times per year. You can opt out anytime.